Wednesday, July 28, 2010


This week is VBS for the girls so I've been taking advantage of being child-free and doing a lot of shopping. Mostly school supplies since those are currently on sale everywhere. Today I went to Staples because there were some deals too good to miss. For example, a ream of paper is $0.01, limit 2. I can't pass up a 1 penny ream of paper so I had to get some. Never mind that I already have 6 stacked up because I've discovered that you can get reams of paper for almost nothing. In fact, I believe some of those reams have really been free. And, with all the coupons I'll be printing and the school stuff I print all the time, I figure I'll use up lots of paper. So I went to get two more reams. I also bought 2 packs of 6 colored highlighters for $0.25 each and 2 packs of 8 Bic ball point pens for $0.01 each. When I went to the check stand, my "rewards" card informed the cashier that I am with the "Jove School for the Gifted." She asked me if I was a teacher there and of course I said yes. She then told me that, as a teacher, I could get 20 packs of the pens for $0.01 each instead of the 2 pack limit advertised for everyone else. I was conflicted so I stayed with my two packs. Is it cheating to take advantage of those special offers when I'm not a "licensed" teacher? Or when my intention is to use the pens for personal use and not school use? Does a homeschool mom qualify as a teacher? To honestly say I qualify for those special "teacher" deals? Or is that being dishonest? I really don't know. But it would have been AWESOME to get 160 pens for $0.20! What would I do with all those pens if I had them anyway...

Oh, and the total of my purchases will be $0.54 + tax after I get my rebate back for the paper. Staples has a really easy rebate program called... "staples easy rebates"! You simply visit the easy rebate web site and enter some info from your store receipt as well as your contact info. In a few weeks, you get a check for the rebate. No stamps or envelopes or hassle. Easy!

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